Used Die Trucks, Handlers & Carts (mold handlers)
Die Handling Equipment is typically broken down into powered (die trucks & handlers) and non-powered (carts). Carts are typically towed around a plant by a forklift or other motorized vehicle. Some companies will use die carts as heavy duty small trailers for rigging needs on flat surfaces.
Common die handlers brands are Elwell Parker, Atlas, Erickson (no longer built), Rico, Autolift, and Schreck. Elwell Parker seems to be the most popular of the bunch.
Die carts have come from many manufactures over time. The more desirable version have rubber on the wheels. They come in a huge variety of sizes and capacities.

Elwell Parker
Of all the brands, Elwell Parker seems to be the most common brand around. Their die handlers run from 15,000lbs to 200,000lbs capacity.

Erickson are good die handlers, however they went out of business around 1987.

Rico Die Handlers
Rico offers stand up Rider and Walkie die & mold handlers. They range from 2,000lb to 400,000 capacity.